Let us skip those political issues and focus on lessons worthy of learning.
- Durian only grows in certain specific climates and quality soil, Raub of Pahang state in this case.
- The tree is an important component as long as feng shui is a concern among Malaysian Chinese.
- Long ago, a tree blocking a view (so-called feng shui) would be chopped unhesitantly.
- Nevertheless, I see a tendency not simply to chop a tree over 20 years of my feng shui career.
- Because people are more educated and more eco-conscious about the ecosystem of their living environment.
- From tree chopping feng shui, gradually transforming into non-tree chopping feng shui.
- This is the mental transformation I see over 20 years in Malaysia, from my fieldwork.
- 30 years ago, you could find feng shui master advising clients to chop trees because they block the feng shui view.
- Today, you seldom heard about this as modern housing estates are built without such defects.
Tree in terms of feng shui
- The tree is an energy channel between Heaven & Earth.
- A blossoming tree is a symbol of good energy at the spot of the place.
- It is good to have trees in the surrounding of your house.
- It is not professionally accurate blaming a tree blocks the flow of Chi or energy.
- Nevertheless, an unhealthy tree should be chopped for safety and hygiene.
As long as Durian Tree Crisis is concerned in Raub, Pahang:
- Malaysia Chinese(MC) should understand that their rights as a citizen are well protected by the Constitution of Malaysia Federation.
- Therefore, MC should abide by and follow the law from STEP 1; so that their rights are well protected.
- MC should uphold the legal procedure so that their rights are respected.
- MC should not adopt FAST LAND service in acquiring any objective.
- Nor should MC adopt Jalan Pintas / Shortcut to expedite their business.
- MC should aware that the adoption of western demonstration/shouting does not earn them any credit and respect from Malay.
- Nor does western democratic idealism/approaches turn the ears of Malay to listen to them.
- This is a simple fact that
you are not living in a western countryand Malay is not a westerner. - On top of that, Fast Land Service & Shortcut Mentality( even though causing lots of spending) do not help you to earn the respect from the Malay.
- If you want respect from the Malay, you need to be abiding by and follow the law FIRST.
- There is no way MC could protect their rights & earn respect from the Malay if continuing to adopt Fast Land Service & Shortcut Mentality; as Malaysia has been Independent since 1957.
- If MC wants respect from Malay, then respect the law FIRST.
- You should not mistreat the law. What goes around comes around.
- 大马华裔应该放弃“捷径思维” 和“江湖漏洞”思维!否则吃亏的是自己。
- 大马华裔必须清楚,马来人不是白人, 是不吃西方理念那一套。
- 还看不清楚, 还不懂山不转,人自己转;说明大马华裔已丢失中华精华的策略思维!
- 大马华裔一边利用小人卑鄙的后门服务, 一边又装君子高唱西方民主口号;只让人更加厌恶这个双面人脸的民族!
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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