- Fate 宿命 is NOT Destiny 命运; Destiny 命运 is NOT Fate 宿命.
- Fate is Part of Destiny 宿命是命运的一部分; Destiny covers Fate 命运包含宿命.
- Destiny is the outcome of life with the ADD-ON human determinant(humantics) 人为.
- Fate is the outcome of life WITHOUT human determinant (humantics) 人为.
- Luck 运气 is Neither Destiny nor Fate. Luck is the “record or resultant” of the Destiny.
- According to Chinese Metaphysics, Destiny consists of 3 parts; namely Fate Factor, Human Factor and Feng Shui Factor. Each consists of 33.33% and makes up 100% for Destiny.
- Fate in Chinese Metaphysics is called as 定数/命数/天命/宿命,literally means “Unchangeable”, “Fixed Outcome”,”Heavenly Mandate”,”Predetermination” or commonly known as “fated”.
- Fate, the unchangeable consists of 33.33%, which you could never be able to change. You must accept the fate (33.33%) as it is fated. There is no way for you to change this 33.33% (fate) because even God Almighty himself also CANNOT change His fate or the fate of his devotees.
- This explains well why The Almighty God fails his devotees again and again although prayers and offerings to Him already been made. Yet, the outcome remains the same.
- How do you know god himself is also bound by “fate”? Because it is clearly that god’s heavenly duty is to fight against evils forcefully until eternity. So, Almighty God is “fated” to fight and put down the evils as his unavoidable heavenly ” fate”. As long as a duty to be carried out and are obliged to finish a duty; then, He is Fated, including god himself. God has an unfinished Karma with the evils, which most of the times have involved human beings into their battles unnecessarily, and eventually making the FATE of an individual even WORSE.
- Hence, be mindful when you involve in religion. Religiosity is double bladed sword which could bring you UP to the heaven and as well as DOWN to the hell.
- Fate is in fact the hidden power behind each individual. Fate is the accumulative credit/debit from one multiple various life cycles in the past, which one brings into this life upon BIRTH.
- The second part of Destiny is Human determinant (factor) 人为; which consists of 33.3% of one’s life
- The unique way of Chinese Metaphysics in interpreting Human determinant (factor) 人为 is about uncommon methods, unusual techniques, unorthodox methodologies and unconventional dimension to solve life’s challenges and atrocities.
- From the fundamental understanding, Chinese Metaphysics has excluded ” hardworking” especially; from changing one’s destiny. Because, “hardworking” is the ecstasy for the rich to enslave the poor for labor exploitation.
- For Destiny re-engineering, Ancient Chinese sages had set down many techniques like QMDJ, BaZi, Yijing, Sun-TZi War Strategies, Feng Shui and many more under Human Factor in Destiny re-design.
- Among so many Chinese Wisdom, Feng Shui (Law of the Earth) is coined under Earth Dimension of Triumvirate( Chinese Trinity Concept) 天人地.
- Feng Shui (Law of the Earth) as 1/3 of Triumvirate plays the major role in one’s destiny. (Quoted from Ancient Chinese Metaphysics).
- Ultimately, an individual can re-direct his/her destiny under 2 main factors; namely Human Factor(33.33%) and Feng Shui Factor(33.33%).
- This means an individual CAN re-engineer his destiny by 66.66%.
- In simplest term, if you fully control QMDJ, BaZi, Yijing, Sun-TZi War Strategies and Feng Shui; you are almost in-charge 66.66% of your own destiny.
- Nevertheless, in reality, some could change their life from the hell to the heaven, some fall from the heaven to the hell. Some experience minor change like 10%; yet, some have experienced more than 5000% change of their life.
- Why these kind of varieties of destinies happen?
- Whatever, at least you learn that there are 2 Steps to be Taken to Change Your Destiny : Namely Human Factor (Law of Human) & Feng Shui (Law of Earth)
- Stay Tuned for more information.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333