I visited Taiwan last month. In This article, I would like to share something which is unique and happened in Taichung District’s National Chung Hsing University. The uniqueness and interesting part is about a suicidal building in this university. As I am informed, there was one suicide case happened one year after another for 6 years consecutively after the completion of this building. This means that there were 6 cases of suicide had happened so long. For that particular 6 years, the 6 victims were all female undergraduates who were suffering from relationship.
When you enter into this building, you could see 3 layers of netting are purposely spread at level 3, level 5 and level 7. It is done by the university management to prevent any more suicide case to happen which had caused 6 lives in this building.
Some of the feng shui master said that the centre pillar which cut the frontage into half (as showed in the 1st photo) is the feng shui defect caused the problem. Some master claimed that the “curving” car park entrance at the back caused the problem.
The main purpose of this fieldwork, indeed, I would like to sort out what is causing so many suicides frequently occur here. I need to find out more comprehensive point of view! Firstly, we know that this building is sitting on the W2 facing E2.
According to the San He feng shui, W2, E2 , S2 and N2 are sectors of peach blossom 四地旺桃花水. This building is square shape and it has opening at all these four sectors either as doors or windows. Basically, this building is has peach blossom tendency, which means personal affairs.
Interestingly, there is a big car park entrance at the neighbouring building hitting from the S2 sector into the building. My field work showed that this entrance is purposely blocked with cement concrete to seal up the entrance. From San He theory, S2 is the Peach blossom killing force to the building which is sitting on W2. This was done due to the feng shui master advice.
The second finding is also about San He feng shui Killing Force. Namely,
八宫(煞)黄泉 (8 Palace Yellow Spring) :
There is a big water pond at the SE sector. This is to the Dui House 兑宅. Unfortunately, this building which sits on W2 is also under Dui House. The water pond is the killing force to the building. (Please refer to Google Image below)
The third finding is all victims were female. From Yijing 易经 perspective, the event would always correspond to the Sitting and Killing Force sector. The survey showed that the building is Dui Gua 兑卦, represents young lady, feminine characteristic and sexual affair according to Yijing. Whereby, the 8 Palace Yellow Spring killing force is also located at SE, Xun Gua 巽卦,represents seductive characteristic and romantic woman. The Car entrance Sha 煞 at South is Li Gua 离卦 which is also represents lovely lady.
My friends, please be reminded many remedy to cure serious feng shui problems are from San He Method. It is an advantage if know 72 dragon feng shui under San He Methodology.