- Comments quoted from ” Ethnicity & Fertility Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia: Do Policies Matter? “
- by Pavalavalli Govindasamy & Julie Da Vanzo in Population And Development Review 18. No 2 (June 1992).
- A few hidden comments from the article are worthy of highlighting as below :
- Malay had experienced the LOWEST Total Fertility Rate(TFR) through the late 1950s.
- The Malay TFR was a full child less than that of the Chinese population and
- more than 1.5 children less than of Indians.
- In the early 1960s, Chinese – Malay differential reversed,
- In the late 1960s, Indian – Malay differential reversed
- Since then, a higher Malay fertility rate has been maintained.
- These were the scenario happened in the late 1950s – late 1960s.
- Then the worse Malaysia’s racial riot happened in 1969.
- Fertility Rate: total number of children that would be born to each woman
- After 40 years later, this is the chart of fertility rate by ethnic group for 2010 – 2019
- Kindly be noted that the fertility rate for Malaysia Chinese(MC) are accordingly as below :
- 6.2 in 1958
- 3.7 in 1987;
- 2.1 in 2002; (2.1 is replacement-level fertility rate / breakeven)
- 1.1 in 2018
- 1.1 in 2019
- However, the average total fertility rates in 2018 for the West are as below:
- European Union (EU-27) : 1.55
- France: 1.88
- Sweden: 1.76
- Ireland: 1.75
- United States: 1.73
- Denmark: 1.73
- Netherland: 1.57
- Germany: 1.54
- Portugal: 1.43
- Italy: 1.27
- Spain 1.23
- Obviously, the fertility rate for Malaysian Chinese( 2018) is far below all developed countries listed above.
- What does the rate tell you here? Simple statistics and you do know the answers.
- However, I would like to highlight a few peculiar, strange and abnormal phenomena.
- Malaysia is a developing country, yet ridiculously Malaysian Chinese(MC) design their family size FAR more advanced than developed countries as listed above.
- So that, each Malaysian Chinese(MC)has a less parental duty and more personal time for excitement and amusement.
- Because Malaysian Chinese(MC) making use of discriminatory policies (since 1971) as an excuse for late marriage, skipping marriage and stay single, or not having more children for decades(commonly heard).
- MC blame discrimination excised by the Malaysian government for their super-advanced fertility rate( far more advanced than the west); but
- MC has no guilt in condemning others unashamedly for the personal decisions on the fertility rate.
- MC adopts Ostrich mentality(鸵鸟心态) by reducing own population(thru fertility rate) when facing open discriminatory policies implemented by Malay governance.
- However, MC is still the most economic & financial advanced among the 3 ethnics because MOST of the middle-cost houses and luxurious properties are still owned by MC.
- However, generally MC family prefers to limit themselves to 0 – 2 kids.
- MC afford to buy lots of houses for investment, BUT investing to have more children is always the LAST option.
- MC are highly aware that they are going to lose out terribly in 1 to 2 generations if fertility rate is super low in competitive & sensitive plural society, but keep doing so as long as himself/herself could enjoy life as long as alive; to the fullest by cutting down fertility rate.
- Ensuring the future of the community as a whole is not the priority for individual MC.
- The priority for MC is to earn more money for himself to buy more property and migrate to the western country, but ending up kowtowing to the White in the new place.
- The advantaged economic & financial strength that MC still have(although weaken decade by decade) are channeled for material gain/investment/entertainment/relaxation/enjoyment/; rather than increase the number of their kids; hinting that
- Personal feeling, personal achievement, personal goal, personal perspective are vitally more important than the MC community as a whole.
- Extremely low fertility rate at 1.1 compared to 1.55 of European Union, but living in the ocean of highly productive Malay Muslim ocean; is hinting one hidden message within MC community :
- How short-sighted, self-centered & selfish MC is ……..?
- The chart above tells that Malaysian Chinese is the most aged population among 3 ethnics in Malaysia since 2015.
- With the lowest fertility and the most aged population, the future for MC is not optimistic in the near future around 2025;
- Although MC has been warned by both foreign experts and their national and local leaders, falling on deaf ears; due to self-centeredness, selfishness, and shortsightedness.
- Why did this happen?
- Partly due to the dilution of Chinese traditional values since the late 1980s on one hand, and the full swing of western values adoption on the other hand.
- It is another strange scenario that MC adopt western values and systems in the middle of the Muslim ocean; rather than getting closer to Islamic values.
- How do Malay Muslims perceive this scenario?
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