- Could some one help to pinpoint where the Dragon Spot龙穴 is in the picture above?
- How do you verify if you are spotting the Dragonic POWER POINT – namely Dragon Spot correctly & accurately ?
- In order to get for yourself a powerful Shengji 生基, the very FIRST Key issue is how do you detect / identify / discover / determine / distinguish that small inner layer of Dragon Spot(roughly 25ft x 25ft) out from this area in the picture? This area is roughly the size of 100 football fields.
- What you see in the picture is only one quarter(25%) of the TOTAL Dragon Land Formation and this picture was taken from the Frontage 朝山 of the TOTALITY; due to the limitation of the camera len/angle.
- The picture above shows that the Back part of the Dragon Formation. You can see that there are a lot of gigantic and powerful supporting mountains and basically they are triangular which means Lian Zhen Fire Element by nature 廉贞火星。 You also can see the Incoming Water 来水 and Outgoing Water 出水。
- To get a total view for Dragon Formation, let me show you an example of the Front part as picture below.
- Your main purpose to do Shengji生基 is for material and economic advancement. Meaning to say you want MONEY. Then the dragon spot should have Incoming Water 来水( to generate money) and Outgoing Water Mouth 去水口( for financial / spending power).
- If this is your objective, then this Dragon Formation(both pictures above) quality could be consider further for Shengji 生基; if you could accept Grade B Dragon Spot quality(there are grading for dragon spot).
- After you have completed 3 Basics Steps(kindly refer to http://www.mastersoon.com/3-basic-step-for-shengji-selection/ ) where you have confidently determined that there is a dragon spot 龙穴 due to Incoming Water Mouth 来水口, Outgoing Water Mouth 出水口 and, from these 2 picture(only shows 25% or one quarter of Total Formation for each picture), you know that the estimated coverage area of the Dragonic Formation is about the size of 100 football fields.
- Nevertheless, if you fail to identify and detect the Dragon Spot(roughly 25 ft x 25ft), it simply means that you fail to get a True and Powerful Shengji 生基; although you are already inside the domain of the Dragon Formation/Configuration/ Structure(estimated the size of 100 football fields in this case) at this very moment of truth.
- Because Shengji 生基 is the power plug and Dragon Spot is the power point.
- You need to plug into the power point to get the POWER Supply.
- But the critical issue now: WHERE the Dragon Spot( roughly 25ft x 25ft) is ? Many feng shui masters confuse and perplex at this stage. Because finding the Dragon Spot(roughly 25ft x 25 ft) from an open wilderness(about the size of 100 football fields) is extremely time consuming and highly depending on technical know-how.
- At this moment your luck whether to get a true and powerful Dragon Spot very much relies on the competency of the feng shui master you engage.
- Practice Makes Perfect
东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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