Before you could change for a better stage of life, you must let go of the PAST. Before you could garner the POSITIVE Feng Shui Momentum, you must FULLY stop the negative momentum you accumulate so long.
Therefore, before you could Change your luck now; you MUST STOP the Negative Momentum since January 2013.
Feng Shui is part of life. Your deeds are also part of your life. Heart is the motor of your deeds for good and for bad. Hence, you CANNOT deny that the fact of your HEART is interrelated and interwoven with your life…. and Luck is the colorful manifestation of your life at certain time in your earthly life span. Therefore, your feng shui is very much interconnected with your heart (which could be holy, devilish, hero or coward from time to time)
Alienating your personal conducts and state of mind (which is the outcome of your hidden heart) from your feng shui enhancement is totally against the concept of Triumvirate of Cosmantics-Humantics-Geomantics (Heaven, Human & Earth).
You could fully understand how important of ethics is in determining Good Feng Shui from old Chinese Saying as below
Righteous Man would naturally go for Auspicious Land(feng shui); and; Auspicious Land (feng shui) is reserved for Righteous Man.
If you had gone through Chinese Feng Shui Classics in original TEXT… you could see many reminders of personal conducts and Righteousness while Feng Shui knowledge is imparted, because Feng Shui is only effective while you uphold Triumvirate of Cosmantics-Humantics-Geomantics (Heaven, Human & Earth).
Personal Conducts and Righteousness are categorized under Humantics.
From January till today, how much negative momentum has one accumulated?
Any life(luck) with negative momentum is going to be hard to stop. To stop such an negative life, it is necessary to apply a force (spiritual and metaphysical) against its motion for a given period of time. The more negative momentum that a life has, the harder that it is to stop.
Thus, it would require a greater amount of spiritual and metaphysical force or a longer amount of time or both to bring such a bad luck to a halt. As the force of meta physic acts upon the given negative LUCK for a given amount of time, the luck’s vibration, velocity,emancipation and volatility are been changed; and hence, the negativity momentum is changed.
By having those negative momentum in your life ( always hidden in invisibility such as form of personal conducts, ethics, value system…..quality of inner self); it is impossible to CHANGE your luck, no matter what kind of feng shui formula you apply…..
After knowing these fundamental understandings, then, this automatically solves your suspicion on why same feng shui formula applied to everyone, yet causing multiple outcomes. Some are effective, some are ineffective and most of the cases are no result either for positive or negative.
Metaphysically, Month of Hai 亥 is the Minor Opening of Gate of Celestial Realm. This year month of Hai would start from 07 Nov 2013. Once the Minor Opening starts, it is too late for you to reverse the negative momentum that a person accumulates since last month of Hai.
You still have 3 weeks left to solve this negative momentum before 07 Nov 2013. If you are still keeping this negative momentum in your bank of life ( luck) and expecting to change your luck; the only outcome is of course to your disappointment….
Time waits for No man… Take Actions now….
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