- The pragmaticism(巽风无孔不入) of Singapore is from the East but not from the western value.
- Lao Li was 500% English educated, yet his inner self was very Eastern.
- Singapore plag is with 5 stars and a crescent. 2/3 is red(Chinese) and 1/3 is white(the West)
- Crescent is Islam.
- But why there are 5 stars. Why?
- Singapore is a nation founded by reorienting the moon and moving the stars 移星易宿。
- To understand Singapore( a severe pain of Nusantara soul), you need to refer to 阴符经 YinFu King
- 天发杀机,移星易宿;
- 地发杀机,龙蛇起陆;
- 人发杀机,天地反覆;
- 天人合发,万化定基。
- You do not have to be Chinese educated to tap this Chinese metaphysical power.
- Lao Li was 500% English educated during his younger time, but he was still able to tap this power.
- Chinese metaphysical power is not embedded thru Mandarin but embedded inside your heart.
- Tap your metaphysical power inside you like Lao Li to expand your career.
- Be pragmatic like the Xun wind 巽风, the rise of the EAST.
Stay Tuned for More information
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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