- STEP NUMBER ONE : Finding the Incoming Water Mouth(水口). Since Malaysia is located right beside South China Sea南中国海 and Malacca Strait马六甲海峡; 75% of the Dragon Spots 龙穴 are located in West Coast and East Coast of Peninsula of Malaysia and most of the cities along the costal area in Sabah & Sarawak.
- Why coastal area平地龙穴? Because you Malaysian Chinese are looking for Economic Advancement. Unless you are looking for political power, then you go for inner land dragon spots山地龙穴. The choice is in your hand. Do not forget the dragon spot principle as below 高山之地主权贵受人敬昂,低洼之地主财富收肥水。 Higher land for power and lower land for money.
- Meaning to say, if you want to zoom down for these 75% of the Malayan Dragon Spots马来龙穴, you just need to focus on the coastal area of Malaysia. This makes your Dragon Spotting easier.
- Within these 75%, you must exclude those area WITHOUT Incoming Water Mouth水口. Because the bigger the Incoming water mouth is, the wealthier the dragon formation. Small Incoming water mouth, small money. Big Incoming Water Mouth, Big Incoming Money.
- No Incoming Water Mouth, No Incoming money. 没有水口,就没有财源。As simple as that.
- The Keyword here : You MUST in commanding position to control the Incoming Water MOUTH. No control, that means you are out of control although you are in the land.
- STEP NUMBER TWO : LOCKED Out Going Water Mouth 锁出水口。
- The exit where the water flowing out is called OUT Going Water Mouth. It represents how you spend your BIG money.
- The OUT Going Water Mouth Must be Locked in order for you to capture and retain your wealth & money.
- How about if the land has no OUT Going Water Mouth没有出水口? It simply means that you have NO money to spend/enjoy. Because NO OUT going Water Mouth is 75% due to NO Incoming Water. 没有来水,哪会有出水呢? 没有财源,那会有消费能力勒!
- So, No Out Going Water Mouth, simply means NO MONEY or poor spending power.
- If your Shengji生基 does not enjoy Incoming Water and Out Going Water, it simply means that you have a place of POVERTY/Suffering/Disadvantaged/Impoverished. By then you should no longer call it Shengji 生基; but Siji 死机 hole of the hell.
- If the place has Out Going Water Mouth but is NOT locked as illustrated as above, it means the wealth is leaking or the energy of the wealth is puncturing. 漏财泄气。
- There should be a few locks to lock the Qi of flowing water before final Exit. Then the wealth is safely preserved/contained.
- STEP NUMBER THREE : Estimating The Coverage of the Dragon Formation.
- A size of the INNER layer of a dragon spot could be ranged from 25 ft x 25 ft ; even though in application you just dig about around 3ft x 6ft x 3ft(depending on the spots) .
- Nevertheless, the power source of the dragon spot could cover the size surrounding it up to 50-100 football fields(depending on the quality of a dragon spot).
- At this moment, many feng shui masters are confused at this stage. 三流风水满山跑 Because they do not know how to spot the dragon spot(25ft x 25 ft) out from the size of 100 football fields. It simply is spotting the gold mine in a jungle. You can simply call any spot as DRAGON SPOT, if you want to fool yourself.
- Nevertheless, there is ONLY one DRAGON SPOT(25ft x 25ft within that huge area(size as big as 100 football fields)
- Honestly, the effort of spotting the dragon spot(25ft x 25 ft = 625 sqft, smaller size than the standard apartment in Malaysia) out from the size of an open jungle area which is similar to 100 football fields is very very difficult.
- Meaning to say, feng shui masters could easily cheat you or fool you by blindly finger pointing to any spot and SELL it as DRAGON SPOT.
- Some say that they could spot any Dragon Spot by Luopan/Chinese Compass…… but this is NOT true.
- Let me remind you that there is no way to spot a Dragon Spot by simply referring to Chinese Compass/Luopan. Because a tool cannot replace the skill of technical know-how .
- How to discover if a feng shui master is selling faked dragon spot/ make-believed dragon spot?
- Stay Tuned……
东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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