- The map above was published by one of the magazines in the Soviet Union in 1988.
- It showed how the Soviet Union expanded its military might in all directions.
- However, 3 years later, The Soviet Union ultimately collapsed on December 25, 1991.
- The United States is the only Superpower from then on.
- There was a combination of many factors that contributed to the fall of the Soviets.
- I only pick up 1 factor for discussion here:
- Full Hard Power with Zero Soft Power
- Hard Power refers to military strength, primarily
- Soft Power refers to values, culture, music, entertainment, etc.
- Whereas Economic strength is in between Hard Power & Soft Power; to me.
- (some put economy & finance under Hard Power)
- Obviously,
- The United States has operated both powers simultaneously since long ago.
- The Soviet Union was almost fully dependent on its military might ALONE.
- Interestingly,
- you can see a rough pattern of how The U.S maintain/sustain its global hegemonic control, always
- Stage 1, start with military intervention (Masculine)
- Stage 2, follow up with some kind of diplomatic “cosmetics” (Feminine)
- Stage 3, finish off with an iron fist, either through paper or via battlefield (Masculine)
- Since World War II, The U.S gets almost all that is wanted by these sequences.
- 1 Feminine/ Soft Power Vs 2 Masculine / Hard Power
- Ratio: 1 Yin Vs 2 Yang
- you can see a rough pattern of how The U.S maintain/sustain its global hegemonic control, always
- Alternatively, you see the strengths of the U.S below
- Masculine Power: Military & Technology
- Feminine Power: Propaganda of Universal Values via Media
- Military & Technology are 2 major hard powers to spread the soft power in order to brainwash the world.
- And this strategy is exactly what Period 9, Li Trigram discussed about in Yijing.
- Li 离 literally means
- Divide & Rule
- Surrounded
- Separating
- Values
- Culture
- Civilization
- Documentation
- Education
- Tank
- Proxy
- Grouping … etc
- Strategies adopted by the U.S in sustaining her hegemonic power such as
- Dividing the world into Pro U.S or Anti-U.S
- Propagating universal values
- Exporting culture via movie & social media
- Educating the world about the western management system via MNC
- Forming allies
- …. etc
- Those strategies are almost exactly the same as theorized by Trigram Li 离卦
- Undoubtedly, the ability of the U.S to brainwash the world with soft power,
- because it is escorted by 2 major hard powers, namely
- Military
- Technology
- because it is escorted by 2 major hard powers, namely
- The symbol of Li Trigram could summarize everything done by the U.S so far.
- Russia-Ukraine War signifies that Russia follows the mistake done by The Soviets.
- Surely, this war only further weakens Russia as a regional power.
- The U.S welcomes this proxy war. Good for the U.S with no cost.
- The lessons we learn from here
- soft power(value, vision, mission & philosophy) is very important in sustaining a corporate
- hard power( financial strength & technology) is crucial for survival, especially New Normal starts.
- Since we are already in Period 9, the Li trigram 离卦, hence all kinds of The Soviet-like expansion(mistake) as below should be carried out carefully with nice planning;
- Different types of business expansion include
- purchasing new assets, opening new units, adding sales personnel, increasing advertising, adding franchises, entering new markets, providing new products or services, etc.
- Soft power is much cheaper than hard power and it is more compatible with the environment of a Period 9.
- One of the major characteristics of Period 9 is:
- Tactic / Strategy / Propaganda / Stratagem / Trap / Proxy / Grouping /Empty Promise.
Remarks :
- I see the U.S as the most competent practitioner of Chinese Metaphysics, Yijing in this case.
- There is no proof to verify that The U.S is inspired by Yijing.
- However, their effective strategies so far sound so synchronized with Chinese Metaphysics.
- China only learned to be blatantly assertive in front of the U.S since the year 2020; increase more masculine element in their diplomacy at par with their national strength now.
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